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电话: 0755-27457123
姓名: 1111
Chuangjida plastic products

  Shenzhen Chuangjida plastic products Co.,LTD was built in 2010, is a specialized development, production, sales in one of the phone shell to protect the cover Tablet Sleeve Tablet PC bracket. The company is headquartered in Industry professional and technical personnel and management personnel of the Company, the company has a matching production line, location-based services-class brand customers, quality and efficiency to provide customers with comprehensive support services, the spirit of "quality first, reputation first, the courage to pursue innovation approach ", follow the" quality products at reasonable prices, stylish design, and sincere service purposes to meet ...

主要产品/业务: ddddddddd

Chuangjida plastic products / 广东 / ddddd ( ) / 电话:0755-27457123

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